
Launching Renew Formation – Summer 2024

It is my joy to launch the ministry Renew Formation. After a very long season of prayer and discernment, I am amazed at the journey of how God has led me towards this path in ministry. As some of you may know, my life has been characterized by many moves where God used each transition to evoke the unearthing, healing, transformation and renewal of my soul.


In 2007, I followed God’s leading to let go of business school the week before I was supposed to start and focus instead on pouring into family life. Little did I know that decision would lead me down a long path of being in the wilderness with God—a season of healing and stripping away my identity in what I do. This season also birthed a sense of calling to lead in the type of spiritual formation ministry that brought deep transformation in my life.


Through ongoing contemplative spiritual practices such as spiritual direction, soul care retreats, and listening prayer, I have experienced tangible transformation in my own life and in those around me. In walking with others in the presence of God, I have seen God fulfill desires for depth of intimacy through the growth of learning to recognize His presence in all of life. I have seen God at work in fulfilling desires for belonging and being known by God and others, and for pouring out in God given purpose into the world.


In God’s mysterious ways, He called me to seek Him through contemplative practices when my girls were toddlers. Twelve years later, along with three moves, having a third child, starting and finishing a seminary degree while also experiencing many trials and transitions, God in his sense of humor is still calling me to live in a house full of extroverts while also leading in contemplative and soul care ministry.


After four years of walking in the academic and theological world, this summer I had the privilege of graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity. Now that I am finished, it is with expectant joy that this newsletter officially launches this ministry that I have already been doing for some time—walking with people in spiritual direction, soul care retreats, and transformational workshops for both individuals and groups in organizations and churches.


Why Renew?

Renew means to restore to freshness, vigor or perfection; to regenerate, revive, replenish; or to make extensive changes in, as in rebuild. Biblically, our journey of transformation into Christlikeness is one of daily renewal in our minds, bodies, and souls that leads toward unity—not just with the Triune God—but with the body of Christ (John 17:21, 1 Corinthians 12, 2 Corinthians 4:16). As God renews us with light filled truth we are formed to become agents of renewal and vessels of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Our lives are small threads, which joined with others form chords that are woven into the grand tapestry of God’s beauty and work with His people in creation.


As I look at our world, I see so much need of renewal in broken spaces due to discord, polarities, poverty, and evil that leads to tragic discouragement and despair. But life in Christ leads to hope in the renewal and restoration of all things. He gives us eyes to see how the Kingdom of God is at work like a mustard seed all around us. We do not lose hope in doing good when we witness suffering, discord, and evil; instead we sow small seeds that eventually grow into abundant flourishing life with time (Galatians 6:9).



The Logo: At first glance, it is a Venn diagram of four circles. Three of the circles represent the Trinity, and the fourth symbolizes humanity. This is a visual representation of Jesus’ desire for oneness between the Trinity and humanity, and for humanity to be one as the Trinity is one (John 17:21). Oneness with God and others does not happen overnight. It happens through the slow work of daily walking with Jesus as he renews our individual and communal souls through intentional spiritual practices grounded in Scripture and prayer. Personally, I also love that it looks like a flower and an outward facing fish too! In unity with the Trinity we are transformed to go outward into the world.


A different fiscal model: Renew Formation would not be possible if not for the sponsorship of Mosaic Formation. Many doing similar work have a fees-for-service fiscal model, making spiritual direction, training, and retreats inaccessible to many people. I have adopted Mosaic Formation’s biblical fiscal model (called Freely Receive, Freely Give), so that I can prioritize serving underrepresented and underserved communities. Individuals and groups of any economic status are able to freely receive the gift of formation care and guidance through the generosity of others. Likewise, those served are invited to freely give donations of any size that will bless future recipients of Renew Formation ministry work. This is a Matthew 10 (Sermon on Mission) vision of ministry that God has given me to study and now embody. Please pray, and consider becoming a monthly supporter or offering a one-time contribution to make this missionary type vision possible. You can click on the GIVE button at


Prayer: You can pray for me personally as this ministry launches. As you can imagine, this has been quite a journey to come to this place. I am embarking on a new mission, expectant of an adventure with many unknowns. I am hopeful of walking with Jesus while walking alongside others, and I need prayer for boldness and confidence in the Lord to shine my light before others, “so they can see the good things I do and praise my father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).


Finally, Please Subscribe to receive my newsletters and reflections.

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